There’s a quote about how God laughs when we make plans and I’m beginning to find that to be so true. There’s two kinds of people in this world: those who go with the flow and those who plan. I definitely fit in that latter category. I’m not exactly where I want to be in life, so I’m constantly planning how I can get ahead. It’s so frustrating when things don’t work out, but a lot of times things fall through because God has something better in store for us.
I got a lot of great news this past week that’s beginning to make me believe my career goals are so much smaller than what I’m capable of. This week I’ll flying to New York to celebrate the launch of ASOS‘s new Big and Tall collection (follow along with me on snapchat @thedapperbaker)! At church we’ve been talking about not limiting God, which is something I’m really bad about. This opportunity is a reminder to believe in myself, trust God and know that everything works out in the end.

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