Have you ever waited to get a haircut, only to realize that you have an event coming up in a week or two? Then you have to decide whether you want to risk getting your hair cut too early and looking rough at your event or looking rough for a week or so, so you can get a cut closer to your event.
I should’ve gotten my hair cut last week, but I wanted a fresh cut for Thanksgiving (I mean, you can’t show up to your family dinner looking like a scrub). Plus I have a networking event the week after so I decided to push my haircut back so I could get it done closer to both of those occasions. You can probably guess that I’ve been having some really bad hair days and today is no exception.
I already love hats as it is, but a bad hair day is the perfect excuse to wear one. A hat is basically the perfect bad hair day fix! The fedora I’m wearing is from Forever 21 men. I love it, because it pairs well with just about everything in my closet. The best part is that it was less than $15; a complete steal!
What do you guys do when you’re not having a good hair day?

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