It feels so weird knowing that I’m 25 years old. A couple of years ago, that seemed so old, but now I feel like life is just beginning. I spent the majority of my teens worrying about what people thought of me and what career path I wanted to take. I’m not going to pretend like still I don’t feel insecure or worry about the future from time to time, but this is the first time in my life that I feel confident in myself and know that things are going to work out. There’s definitely been some hard times getting to this point, but it’s awesome to look at myself and see how much I’ve grown as a man. I can’t wait to see what all this year has in store for me. Thanks for all the support and following along for the ride.
Skinny Innovator Black Wool Blend Suit Pant // Fitted 1MX Shirt // Double Monk Strap Dress Shoe // Slim Photographer Tuxedo Jacket (similar)

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